Rails Active Job style guide


What does Active Job do?

Delegates execution of code to a background process

What type of work usually gets done in a job?

- Sending emails

- API calls to 3rd parties

- Report generation

- Data import/export

- Bulk operations



Active Job is only an abstraction over background jobs...

When you talk about web development with Ruby, you know it's Rails!

When you talk about background jobs with Rails, you know it's Sidekiq!




Why Sidekiq won?

Active Maintainer that develops it with a Business Plan!

Redis takes the load off of the main Database

Easy to deploy, encouraged by Heroku

Micro-benchmark optimised

Ruby's ecosystem has a "winner takes all" mentality (see Rails)

And that's a good thing!

You know what you'll have to deal with in every Ruby web app you will ever encounter

And Active Job standardises it in case you need to deviate from the norm


Do you need it? No!

Convenience for organisations with too much money...

Direct customer support for the developer



    gem 'sidekiq'



    :concurrency: <%= ENV.fetch('SIDEKIQ_CONCURRENCY', '5') %>
    :timeout: 25
    :verbose: true

      - critical
      - default
      - low


    Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
      host = ENV.fetch('REDIS_HOST', 'localhost')
      port = ENV.fetch('REDIS_PORT', '6379')
      protocol = ENV.fetch('REDIS_PROTOCOL', 'redis')

      config.redis = { url: "#{protocol}://#{host}:#{port}/0" }
    Sidekiq.configure_client do |config|
      host = ENV.fetch('REDIS_HOST', 'localhost')
      port = ENV.fetch('REDIS_PORT', '6379')
      protocol = ENV.fetch('REDIS_PROTOCOL', 'redis')

      config.redis = { url: "#{protocol}://#{host}:#{port}/0" }


    config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq

Example Job

    bundle exec rails generate job Example

    class ExampleJob < ApplicationJob
      queue_as :default

      def perform(*_args)
        Rails.logger.info('Hello Job!')

Run worker

    bundle exec sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml

A separate process that you need to deploy!

Enqueue it

In your Rails application, or in `rails console` you can:



Your application logs will say:

    Enqueued ExampleJob (Job ID: 33c16d97-0694-4ed0-91fd-6746f9e2f250) to Sidekiq(default)

Your worker logs will say:

    jid=123abc INFO: start
    jid=123abc INFO: Performing ExampleJob (Job ID: 33c16d97-0694-4ed0-91fd-6746f9e2f250) from Sidekiq(default) enqueued at ...
    jid=123abc INFO: Hello Job!
    jid=123abc INFO: Performed ExampleJob (Job ID: 33c16d97-0694-4ed0-91fd-6746f9e2f250) from Sidekiq(default) in 330.94ms

Good Practices, not Best Practices!

Good practce no. 1

Use services

    class ExampleJob < ApplicationJob
      queue_as :default

      def perform(*_args)

    # In some other file
    class SomeService
      def call
        Rails.logger.info('Hello Job!')


- Keeps jobs small and easy to review

- Easy to reuse and compose functionality by mixing services together

Good practce no. 2

Database transactions are not implicit around `perform`. Use them only when necessary.

    class ExampleJob < ApplicationJob
      queue_as :default

      def perform(*_args)
        ApplicationRecord.transaction do

Why does it not do this by default?

- It's generic enough to not to force a dependency on ActiveRecord

- Sometimes you don't want to have transactions around your entire code

- Example: failing an API call with an error should not rollback your API call papertrail

Good practce no. 3

Make your jobs/services Idempotent

Depends on he business logic...

If you run it twice, or 100 times, it should have the same effect/result

Track if you've already sent emails, don't do API calls if you already have the result

Good Practice no. 4

Chain Jobs in the `perform` method.

    class ExampleJob1 < ApplicationJob
      queue_as :default

      def perform(*_args)
        result = SomeService.new.call



- Easy to follow chains if you have them in the Jobs only, and not deeply nested within services.

- Services can be ran independently without triggering the rest of the chain.

- If you really need the chain to run you can `perform_later`

Sometimes chains get complex

    1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4
         ---> 5 -> 6
              ---> 7

There are no tools to visualise this, you need to document it!

Sometimes chains get crazy

    1 -> 3
    2 ---

3 requires both 1 and 2 to finish before proceeding

- Store the results of both 1 and 2 in a database

- Enqueue 3 at the end of both 1 and 2

- Use transactions and check if the result of 3 is done

- Skip one of the enqueued 3s if it's result is ready

Rare in practice, you might never need to do this

Unique Jobs

Only enqueue job 3 if it has not been enqueued yet

This is the convenience that unique jobs give you (part of Enterprise)

But there are FOSS libraries that implement unique jobs as well


You still need gatekeep your code for uniqueness with transactions if you really need such guarantees

Good Practice no. 5

Versioned Arguments

    class ExampleJob < ApplicationJob
      queue_as :default

      def perform(*args)
        if args['version'] == 1
          SomeService.new.call(payload: args['body'])
        elsif args['version'] == 2
          SomeService.new.call(payload: args['body']['payload'])
          Rails.logger.error("Unkown version #{args['version']}")


You don't need to create a new `ExampleJobV2` to handle the same functionality

You don't need to replicate the control logic (if you have any)

Backwards compatible jobs allow you to drain the queue after deploy (zero "downtime" job updates)

Cleanup is easier, testing can use shared examples in the same spec

Good Practice no. 6

RTFM (read this fine manual)



That's it, that's the good practice... just... just do it.

Good Practice no. 7

Use Sidekiq's builtin mechanisms to make your life easier

But don't force it to do something it's not meant to...

Example: Timeouts and Retries


Keep your jobs small and quick so they have a chance to finish when K8s wants to restart pods

Set a reasonable timeout so you don't keep the worker busy with laggy 3rd party APIs

Heroku used to suggest to set the timeout at 10 seconds and ensure jobs finish within 5 most of the time

5 seconds ought to be enough for everybody!


Sidekiq has an automatic retry mechanism on error

     # | Next retry backoff | Total waiting time
     1 |     0d  0h  0m 30s |     0d  0h  0m 30s
     2 |     0d  0h  0m 46s |     0d  0h  1m 16s
     3 |     0d  0h  1m 16s |     0d  0h  2m 32s
     4 |     0d  0h  2m 36s |     0d  0h  5m  8s
     5 |     0d  0h  5m 46s |     0d  0h 10m 54s
     6 |     0d  0h 12m 10s |     0d  0h 23m  4s
     7 |     0d  0h 23m 36s |     0d  0h 46m 40s
     8 |     0d  0h 42m 16s |     0d  1h 28m 56s
     9 |     0d  1h 10m 46s |     0d  2h 39m 42s
    10 |     0d  1h 52m  6s |     0d  4h 31m 48s
    ... and more until 25 tries

If you need quicker, more frequent retries (60 times, no delay), that's business logic, not Sidekiq

Good Practice no. 8

Log things!

Tail the logs of your rails server and sidekiq worker during development

Use `Rails.logger.debug` as much as you need to not require `binding.pry` (don't log PII)

Use `Rails.logger.info` major steps in your logic (like 3rd party calls)

Use the Job ID to link them!

Web logs:

    Enqueued ExampleJob (Job ID: 33c16d97-0694-4ed0-91fd-6746f9e2f250) to Sidekiq(default)

Worker logs:

    jid=123abc INFO: start
    jid=123abc INFO: Performing ExampleJob (Job ID: 33c16d97-0694-4ed0-91fd-6746f9e2f250) from Sidekiq(default) enqueued at ...
    jid=123abc INFO: Hello Job!
    jid=123abc INFO: Performed ExampleJob (Job ID: 33c16d97-0694-4ed0-91fd-6746f9e2f250) from Sidekiq(default) in 330.94ms

Good Practice no. 9

Test the flow and the service logic separately

You don't need to execute the services in unit tests:

    it 'enqueues ExampleJob2' do
      result = [1, 2, 3]



Good Practice no. 10

Deploy and use the dahsboard

It's good!

These are just suggestions, not laws!

Use whichever you think fits best.

When in doubt, always use common sense!

Discuss with the team.

Thank You!

Demo + Q&A